
#!/usr/bin/perl -w


# standard perl modules
use strict;                       # print error about unknown variables ...
use English;                      # long internal variable names;
use FindBin;                      # In which directory is ServDoc itself ?
                                  # There has to be the module and the lib dir!
use lib $FindBin::Bin. "/lib";    # Here are the ServDoc-perl-modules
use vars qw($options);

# our own perl modules
use ServDoc;


$options->{Version} = '$Id: ServDoc_0010hardware--other,v 1.3 2004/02/22 21:32:46 uherbst Exp $';

# We need the cmdline to call the modules with the same debug options.
$options->{cmdline} = join " ", @ARGV;

sub debug { ServDoc_debug( "HW", $options, shift, shift ); }

$options = &process_cmdline($options);

debug( 9, i18n_std('running', $0));


# Main

debug( 1,i18n_std('unsupported'));
exit 0;