ServDoc_0105unixbasics - describe some unix basic configurations
$Id: ServDoc_0105unixbasics,v 1.19 2004/02/22 21:27:48 uherbst Exp $
ServDoc_0105unixbasics [-h|help] [-v|version] [--debug UXBAS,intensity]
ServDoc_0105unixbasics describes:
The debug feature for that module is named ``UXBAS''.
Ulrich Herbst <> James Whitwell
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#---------------------------------------------------------------------- # standard perl modules use strict; # print error about unknown variables ... use English; # long internal variable names; use FindBin; # In which directory is ServDoc itself ? # There has to be the module and the lib dir! use lib $FindBin::Bin. "/lib"; # Here are the ServDoc-perl-modules use File::Basename; use vars qw($options); # our own perl modules use ServDoc; #---------------------------------------------------------------------- $options->{Version} = '$Id: ServDoc_0105unixbasics,v 1.19 2004/02/22 21:27:48 uherbst Exp $'; # We need the cmdline to call the modules with the same debug options. $options->{cmdline} = join " ", @ARGV; sub debug { ServDoc_debug( "UXBAS", $options, shift, shift ); } $options = &process_cmdline($options); my $h='Unix%%+Basics%%+'; %{$options->{lang}->{en}}= ( running => i18n_std('running',$0), inittab => $h . 'inittab', inittab_short => i18n_std('filecontent','/etc/inittab'), inittab_long => 'This is the first config file for your booting system.', users => $h . 'Users', users_short => i18n_std('filecontent','/etc/passwd'), users_long => '', group => $h . 'Groups', group_short => i18n_std('filecontent','/etc/group'), group_long => '', shell => $h . 'Login Shells', shell_short => i18n_std('filecontent','/etc/shells'), shell_long => 'Which shells are allowed as login shells and '. 'for ftp ?', unsupp_cron => "ServDoc doesn't currently support OS with crontabs", cronallow => $h . 'Crontab%%+cron.alllow', # no cronallow_short cronallow_long => '', cronallow_no => "You haven't got %s", crondeny => $h . 'Crontab%%+cron.deny', # no crondeny_short crondeny_long => '', cronuser => $h . 'Crontab%%+User: %s', cronuser_short => i18n_std('cmdout','crontab -l'), cronuser_long => '', cronglob => $h . 'Crontab%%+global%%+crontab file', cronglob_short => i18n_std('filecontent','/etc/crontab'), cronglob_long => '', cron_h => $h . 'Crontab%%+global%%+hourly jobs', cron_h_short => i18n_std('filecontent','/etc/cron.hourly'), cron_h_long => '', cron_d => $h . 'Crontab%%+global%%+daily jobs', cron_d_short => i18n_std('filecontent','/etc/cron.daily'), cron_d_long => '', cron_w => $h . 'Crontab%%+global%%+weekly jobs', cron_w_short => i18n_std('filecontent','/etc/cron.weekly'), cron_w_long => '', cron_m => $h . 'Crontab%%+global%%+monthly jobs', cron_m_short => i18n_std('filecontent','/etc/cron.monthly'), cron_m_long => '', cron_d2 => $h . 'Crontab%%+global%%+daily jobs', cron_d2_short => i18n_std('filecontent','/etc/periodic/cron.daily'), cron_d2_long => '', cron_w2 => $h . 'Crontab%%+global%%+weekly jobs', cron_w2_short => i18n_std('filecontent','/etc/periodic/cron.weekly'), cron_w2_long => '', cron_m2 => $h . 'Crontab%%+global%%+monthly jobs', cron_m2_short => i18n_std('filecontent','/etc/periodic/cron.monthly'), cron_m2_long => '', atallow => $h . 'at%%+at.allow', # no atallow_short atallow_long => '', noatallow => "You haven't got an at.allow-file.", atdeny => $h . 'at%%+at.deny', # no atdeny_short atdeny_long => '', noatdeny => "You haven't got an at.deny-file.", atq => $h . 'at%%+jobs', atq_short => i18n_std('cmdout','atq'), atq_long => '', atl => $h . 'at%%+jobs', atl_short => i18n_std('cmdout','at -l'), atl_long => '', shm => $h . 'Shared Memory', shm_short => i18n_std('cmdout','ipcs'), shm_long => '', shl => $h . 'Shared Libraries%%+Directories', shl_short => i18n_std('filecontent','/etc/'), shl_long => "Where are your shared libraries ?", shl2 => $h . 'Shared Libraries%%+Known Libs', shl2_short => i18n_std('cmdout','ldconfig -vN'), shl2_long => "Which shared libraries are known to your system ?", unknown_shl => "ServDoc doesn't support this OS with shared ". "library documentation.", kernel => $h . 'Kernel configuration', kernel_short => i18n_std('filecontent','/usr/src/linux/.config'), kernel_long => '', unknown_kernel => "ServDoc doesn't support this OS whis kernel config.", unsup_lp => "ServDoc doesn't support this OS with printer status.", lp => $h . 'Printer status', # no lp_short lp_long => '', printcap => $h . 'Printer configuration', printcap_short => i18n_std('filecontent','/etc/printcap'), printcap_long => '', lssrc => $h . 'Subsystems', lssrc_short => i18n_std('cmdout','lssrc -a'), lssrc_long => '', procs => $h . 'Running Processes', procs_short => i18n_std('cmdout','ps -ef'), procs_long => '', ); $h='Unix%%+Grundlagen%%+'; %{$options->{lang}->{de}}= ( running => i18n_std('running',$0), inittab => $h . 'inittab', inittab_short => i18n_std('filecontent','/etc/inittab'), inittab_long => 'Das ist die Konfigurationsdatei, die beim '. 'Booten zuerst benutzt wird.', users => $h . 'Benutzer', users_short => i18n_std('filecontent','/etc/passwd'), users_long => '', group => $h . 'Gruppen', group_short => i18n_std('filecontent','/etc/group'), group_long => '', shell => $h . 'Anmelde-Shells', shell_short => i18n_std('filecontent','/etc/shells'), shell_long => 'Welche Shells sind als Anmelde-Shells und '. 'für FTP erlaubt ?', unsupp_cron => "ServDoc unterstützt (noch) nicht dieses OS". "mit Crontabs.", cronallow => $h . 'Crontab%%+cron.alllow', # no cronallow_short cronallow_long => '', cronallow_no => "Dieses System hat kein %s", crondeny => $h . 'Crontab%%+cron.deny', # no crondeny_short crondeny_long => '', cronuser => $h . 'Crontab%%+Benutzer: %s', cronuser_short => i18n_std('cmdout','crontab -l'), cronuser_long => '', cronglob => $h . 'Crontab%%+Global%%+Crontab-Datei', cronglob_short => i18n_std('filecontent','/etc/crontab'), cronglob_long => '', cron_h => $h . 'Crontab%%+Global%%+Stündliche Aufgaben', cron_h_short => i18n_std('filecontent','/etc/cron.hourly'), cron_h_long => '', cron_d => $h . 'Crontab%%+Global%%+Tägliche Aufgaben', cron_d_short => i18n_std('filecontent','/etc/cron.daily'), cron_d_long => '', cron_w => $h . 'Crontab%%+Global%%+Wöchentliche Aufgaben', cron_w_short => i18n_std('filecontent','/etc/cron.weekly'), cron_w_long => '', cron_m => $h . 'Crontab%%+Global%%+Monatliche Aufgaben', cron_m_short => i18n_std('filecontent','/etc/cron.monthly'), cron_m_long => '', cron_d2 => $h . 'Crontab%%+Global%%+Tägliche Aufgaben', cron_d2_short => i18n_std('filecontent','/etc/periodic/cron.daily'), cron_d2_long => '', cron_w2 => $h . 'Crontab%%+Global%%+Wöchentliche Aufgaben', cron_w2_short => i18n_std('filecontent','/etc/periodic/cron.weekly'), cron_w2_long => '', cron_m2 => $h . 'Crontab%%+Global%%+Monatliche Aufgaben', cron_m2_short => i18n_std('filecontent','/etc/periodic/cron.monthly'), cron_m2_long => '', atallow => $h . 'at%%+at.allow', # no atallow_short atallow_long => '', noatallow => "Dieses System hat keine at.allow-Datei.", atdeny => $h . 'at%%+at.deny', # no atdeny_short atdeny_long => '', noatdeny => "Dieses System hat keine at.deny-Datei.", atq => $h . 'at%%+Jobs', atq_short => i18n_std('cmdout','atq'), atq_long => '', atl => $h . 'at%%+Jobs', atl_short => i18n_std('cmdout','at -l'), atl_long => '', shm => $h . 'Shared Memory', shm_short => i18n_std('cmdout','ipcs'), shm_long => '', shl => $h . 'Shared Libraries%%+Verzeichnisse', shl_short => i18n_std('filecontent','/etc/'), shl_long => "Wo liegen die Shared Libraries ?", shl2 => $h . 'Shared Libraries%%+Bekannte Libs', shl2_short => i18n_std('cmdout','ldconfig -vN'), shl2_long => "Welche Shared Libraries sind dem System bekannt ?", unknown_shl => "ServDoc unterstützt (noch) nicht dieses OS ". "bei Shared Library-Dokumentation", kernel => $h . 'Kernel Konfiguration', kernel_short => i18n_std('filecontent','/usr/src/linux/.config'), kernel_long => '', unknown_kernel => "ServDoc unterstützt (noch) nicht dieses OS ". "bei der Kernel-Konfiguration", unsup_lp => "ServDoc unterstützt (noch) nicht dieses OS ". "bei der Drucker-Dokumentation", lp => $h . 'Drucker-Zustand', # no lp_short lp_long => '', printcap => $h . 'Drucker-Konfiguration', printcap_short => i18n_std('filecontent','/etc/printcap'), printcap_long => '', lssrc => $h . 'Subsysteme', lssrc_short => i18n_std('cmdout','lssrc -a'), lssrc_long => '', procs => $h . 'Laufende Prozesse', procs_short => i18n_std('cmdout','ps -ef'), procs_long => '', ); debug( 9, i18n_mesg('running')); #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main # Here is your useful code. if ($OSNAME !~ /darwin/ ) { # darwin hasn't /etc/inittab ? report_i18n('file','inittab','/etc/inittab') } #FIXME: Long desc could be description of GECOS-Fields.... report_i18n('file','users','/etc/passwd'); report_i18n('file','group','/etc/group'); # There are systems without /etc/shells.... if (-e "/etc/shells" ) { report_i18n('file','shell','/etc/shells'); } # list crontab of all users # FIXME: Maybe only uid < 100 or something like that.... # The path to crontabs is OS-dependent my $crontabpath; my $cronallowpath; CRONTAB: { SETPATH: { if ($OSNAME =~ /linux/) { $crontabpath = "/var/spool/cron"; # is this correct for ALL # linux distros ? $cronallowpath ="/etc"; last SETPATH; } if ($OSNAME =~ /hpux|solaris|aix/) { $crontabpath = "/var/spool/cron/crontabs"; $cronallowpath = "/var/adm/cron"; last SETPATH; } if ($OSNAME =~ /darwin/) { $crontabpath = '/var/cron/tabs'; $cronallowpath = '/var/cron/allow'; last SETPATH; } debug(1,i18n_mesg('unsupp_cron')); last CRONTAB; } # cron.allow, cron.deny if ( -e "$cronallowpath/cron.allow" ) { report_file(i18n_mesg('cronallow'), i18n_std('filecontent',"$cronallowpath/cron.allow"), i18n_mesg('cronallow_long'), "$cronallowpath/cron.allow"); } else { report_string(i18n_mesg('cronallow'), i18n_std('filecontent',"$cronallowpath/cron.allow"), i18n_mesg('cronallow_long'), i18n_mesg('cronallow_no',"$cronallowpath/cron.allow"), ); } if ( -e "$cronallowpath/cron.deny" ) { report_file(i18n_mesg('crondeny'), i18n_std('filecontent',"$cronallowpath/cron.deny"), i18n_mesg('crondeny_long'), "$cronallowpath/cron.deny"); } else { report_string(i18n_mesg('crondeny'), i18n_std('filecontent',"$cronallowpath/cron.deny"), i18n_mesg('crondeny_long'), i18n_mesg('cronallow_no',"$cronallowpath/cron.deny") ); } # Crontabs # Only root can see all crontabs if ( $UID > 0 ) { my $USER=getpwuid($UID); my $crontab = do_cmd("crontab -l", "*", 20, stderrfilter => 'no crontab for', ); report_string(i18n_mesg('cronuser',$USER), i18n_mesg('cronuser_short'), i18n_mesg('cronuser_long'), $crontab); } else { # we are root foreach my $cronfile ( map {basename($_)} listdir($crontabpath)) { report_file(i18n_mesg('cronuser',$cronfile), i18n_mesg('cronuser_short'), i18n_mesg('cronuser_long'), "$crontabpath/$cronfile"); } } } # Some Linuxes have some very (IMHO) strange global crontabs if (-e "/etc/crontab") { report_i18n('file','cronglob','/etc/crontab'); } report_i18n('dir','cron_h','/etc/cron.hourly'); report_i18n('dir','cron_d','/etc/cron.daily'); report_i18n('dir','cron_w','/etc/cron.weekly'); report_i18n('dir','cron_m','/etc/cron.monthly'); report_i18n('dir','cron_d2','/etc/periodic/cron.daily'); # AT-Jobs # at.allow, at.deny if ( -e "$cronallowpath/at.allow" ) { report_file(i18n_mesg('atallow'), i18n_std('filecontent',"$cronallowpath/at.allow"), i18n_mesg('atallow_long'), "$cronallowpath/at.allow"); } else { report_string(i18n_mesg('atallow'), i18n_std('filecontent',"$cronallowpath/at.allow"), i18n_mesg('atallow_long'), i18n_mesg('noatallow')); } if ( -e "$cronallowpath/at.deny" ) { report_file(i18n_mesg('atdeny'), i18n_std('filecontent',"$cronallowpath/at.deny"), i18n_mesg('atdeny_long'), "$cronallowpath/at.deny"); } else { report_string(i18n_mesg('atdeny'), i18n_std('filecontent',"$cronallowpath/at.deny"), i18n_mesg('atdeny_long'), i18n_mesg('noatdeny')); } if ($OSNAME =~ /darwin/) { report_i18n('cmd','atq','atq'); } else { my $atjobs = do_cmd("at -l", "*", 20, stderrfilter => 'you are not authorized to use at.', ); report_i18n('string','atl',$atjobs); } # Shared memory if ($OSNAME !~ /darwin/) { report_i18n('cmd','shm','ipcs'); } # Known shared libraries if ($OSNAME =~ /linux/) { report_i18n('file','shl','/etc/'); report_i18n('cmd','shl2','ldconfig -vN'); } else { debug (1,i18n_mesg('unknown_shl')); } # Kernel konfig if ($OSNAME =~ /linux/) { if (-e "/usr/src/linux/.config") { report_i18n('file','kernel','/usr/src/linux/.config'); } } else { debug (1,i18n_mesg('unknown_kernel')); } my $lpcmd; ($OSNAME =~ /solaris|hpux/) and $lpcmd="lpstat -t"; ($OSNAME =~ /linux/) and $lpcmd="lpc status"; ($OSNAME =~ /aix/) and $lpcmd="qchk -A"; if ($lpcmd) { report_cmd(i18n_mesg('lp'), i18n_std('cmdout',$lpcmd), i18n_mesg('lp_long'), $lpcmd); } else { debug(1,i18n_mesg('unsup_lp')); } if (-e "/etc/printcap") { report_i18n('file','printcap','/etc/printcap'); } # Running Subsystems (only AIX ?) if ($OSNAME =~ /aix/) { report_i18n('cmd','lssrc','lssrc -a'); } if ($OSNAME !~ /darwin/) { # Darwin hasn't a ps -eo etime command... (or I wasn't able to find # it). # Running Processes: Everything with etime > 10 minutes is a running daemon # (ok, maybe...) my $proclist = get_proc_info("."); my $pid; my $procref; my $output= "<table><tr><th>PID</th><th>UID</th>". "<th>GID</th><th>CMD</th></tr>"; while (($pid,$procref) = each (%$proclist)) { # ETIME > 10 minutes ? my $etime=$procref->{ETIME}; my $is_daemon=0; if ($etime =~ m/\d:\d\d:\d\d/) { # more than at least one hour $is_daemon=1; } if ($etime =~ m/(\d)\d:\d\d/ and $1 > 0) { # more than 10 minutes $is_daemon=1; } if ($is_daemon) { $output .= "<tr>" . "<td>${pid}</td>" . "<td>". scalar getpwuid($procref->{UID}) ."</td>" . "<td>". scalar getgrgid($procref->{GID}) ."</td>" . "<td>$procref->{CMD}</td></tr>"; } } $output .= "</table>"; report_i18n('string','procs',$output,tab=>'self'); } exit 0;