ServDoc_sendmail - describe the sendmail daemon
$Id: ServDoc_0230sendmail,v 1.7 2004/02/22 21:27:22 uherbst Exp $
ServDoc_sendmail [-h|help] [-v|version] [--debug SENDM,intensity]
ServDoc_sendmail describe the sendmail daemon (if installed).
We don't check, if sendmail is running, because many servers have just a local installed sendmail that isn't running as daemon.
The debug feature for that module is named ``SENDM''.
Ulrich Herbst <>
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#---------------------------------------------------------------------- # standard perl modules use strict; # print error about unknown variables ... use English; # long internal variable names; use FindBin; # In which directory is ServDoc itself ? # There has to be the module and the lib dir! use lib $FindBin::Bin. "/lib"; # Here are the ServDoc-perl-modules use File::Basename; use vars qw($options); # our own perl modules use ServDoc; ###################################################################### # # Output relevant Variables # # Should we delete comments from in the output ? #my $delcomments='^#.*$'; # delete comments my $delcomments=''; # preserve comments # # Should we delete blank lines from in the output ? my $delblanklines=0; # 1: delete blank linkes # # 0: don't delete blank lines ###################################################################### #---------------------------------------------------------------------- $options->{Version} = '$Id: ServDoc_0230sendmail,v 1.7 2004/02/22 21:27:22 uherbst Exp $'; # We need the cmdline to call the modules with the same debug options. $options->{cmdline} = join " ", @ARGV; sub debug { ServDoc_debug( "SENDM", $options, shift, shift ); } $options = &process_cmdline($options); my $h='Net%%+Services%%+Sendmail%%+'; %{$options->{lang}->{en}}= ( version => $h . "Version, Compile Parameters", version_short => i18n_std('cmd','sendmail -bp -d0.1'), version_long => '', config => $h . 'Configuration', config_long => '', alias => $h . 'EMail Aliases', alias_long => "Where go your local email users to ?", relay => $h . 'Relaying', relay_long => 'Which servers are allowed for relaying ?', local => $h . 'Local Mailhost Names', local_long => 'For which host/domainnames does sendmail '. 'receive mails ?', mtab => $h . 'Mail Routing', mtab_long => 'Where is mail for a specific receiving domain '. 'sent ?', virt => $h . 'Virtual Mailhost Configuration', virt_long => "", generic => $h . 'From: Header Configuration', generic_long => '', ); $h='Netzwerk%%+Dienste%%+Sendmail%%+'; %{$options->{lang}->{de}}= ( version => $h . "Version, einkompilierte Parameter", version_short => i18n_std('cmd','sendmail -bp -d0.1'), version_long => '', config => $h . 'Konfiguration', config_long => '', alias => $h . 'EMail Aliases', alias_long => "Wo gehen Mails an lokale Benutzer hin ?", relay => $h . 'Relaying', relay_long => 'Von welchen Servern werden Emails '. 'weitergeleitet (relayed)?', local => $h . 'Namen des eigenen Mailservers', local_long => 'Für welche Rechner-/Domainnamen '. 'empfängt dieser Server Emails ?', mtab => $h . 'Mail Routing', mtab_long => 'Wohin wird welche Mail geschickt ?', virt => $h . 'Virtual Mailhost Konfiguration', virt_long => "", generic => $h . 'From: Header Konfiguration', generic_long => '', ); debug( 9, i18n_std('running',$0)); #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main # Here is your useful code. my $file; # check if we have really sendmail installed. (and not postfix, # qmail,...) # Is it sufficient to check for /etc/ ? if ( !( -e "/etc/" or -e "/etc/mail/" )) { exit 0; } # Maybe it's sufficent to check, if /usr/sbin/sendmail is a binary or # a link to binary called "sendmail" (and not exim...) if (-l "/usr/sbin/sendmail") { my $smlink=readlink("/usr/sbin/sendmail"); if (basename($smlink) !~ m/sendmail/) { exit 0; } } # Version my $dummy="*"; $dummy="0" if ($OSNAME =~ /aix/); report_i18n('cmd','version','sendmail -bp -d0.1',UID=>$dummy); # Port: # FIXME # is always (?) on /etc/ # We need for later configurations... my $sendmailpath= "/etc/"; my $sendmailcf = readfile ($sendmailpath); if (! $sendmailcf) {$sendmailpath="/etc/mail/"; $sendmailcf = readfile($sendmailpath);} report_string(i18n_mesg('config'), i18n_std('file',$sendmailpath), i18n_mesg('config_long'), $sendmailcf, delcomment => $delcomments, delblanklines => $delblanklines, ); # The matching xxx.m4 ? # Oh, I think that isn't so easy.... # FIXME :-) # /etc/aliases # O AliasFile= is a "new" Configuration (ok since Sendmail 8.x => 1996?) # Does anyone know the old configuration ? # FIXME if ($file = get_sendmailcf_entry("O AliasFile=")) { report_file(i18n_mesg('alias'), i18n_std('file',$file), i18n_mesg('alias_long'), $file); } # relay-domains/access,... if exists if ($file = get_sendmailcf_entry("Kaccess hash -o")) { $file =~ s/(.*).db/$1/; report_file(i18n_mesg('relay'), i18n_std('file',$file), i18n_mesg('relay_long'), $file); } #, local-host-names if ($file = get_sendmailcf_entry("Fw")) { report_file(i18n_mesg('local'), i18n_std('file',$file), i18n_mesg('local_long'), $file); } # mailertable if ($file = get_sendmailcf_entry("Kmailertable hash -o")) { $file =~ s/(.*).db/$1/; report_file(i18n_mesg('mtab'), i18n_std('file',$file), i18n_mesg('mtab_long'), $file); } # virtusertable if ($file = get_sendmailcf_entry("Kvirtuser hash -o")) { $file =~ s/(.*).db/$1/; report_file(i18n_mesg('virt'), i18n_std('file',$file), i18n_mesg('virt_long'), $file); } # generics if ($file = get_sendmailcf_entry("Kgenerics hash -o")) { $file =~ s/(.*).db/$1/; report_file(i18n_mesg('generic'), i18n_std('file',$file), i18n_mesg('generic_long'), $file); } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_sendmailcf_entry { # argument: string what is in that line before the value my $arg = shift; my @lines=grep /$arg/, grep !/^#/, split /\n/,$sendmailcf; if ($#lines > -1) { # we return just the first value! my $rval = $lines[0]; $rval =~ s{.*$arg\s*(.*?)\s*}{$1}; return $rval; } return 0; } exit 0;