ServDoc_0320udb - Documentation of your DB2- databases
$Id: ServDoc_0320udb,v 1.4 2003/09/04 16:00:49 uherbst Exp $
ServDoc_0320udb [-h|help] [-v|version] [--debug DB2,intensity]
ServDoc_0320udb describes your DB2 databases.
This will be documented for every database in every (running) instance:
The debug feature for that module is named ``DB2''.
Ulrich Herbst <>
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#---------------------------------------------------------------------- # standard perl modules use strict; # print error about unknown variables ... use English; # long internal variable names; use FindBin; # In which directory is ServDoc itself ? # There has to be the module and the lib dir! use lib $FindBin::Bin. "/lib"; # Here are the ServDoc-perl-modules # our own perl modules use ServDoc; #---------------------------------------------------------------------- my $options; $options->{Version} = '$Id: ServDoc_0320udb,v 1.4 2003/09/04 16:00:49 uherbst Exp $'; # We need the cmdline to call the modules with the same debug options. $options->{cmdline} = join " ", @ARGV; sub debug { ServDoc_debug( "DB2", $options, shift, shift ); } $options = &process_cmdline($options); debug( 9, "ServDoc_0320udb is running" ); #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main my $headings = "DB2 DB%+"; # Check, if we have a system with db2 running. # Every DB2-Database has a db2dlock process running. my $dummy=get_proc_info( "db2dlock" ); if (!defined($dummy)) { # No db2 running debug(9,"db2 doesn't run"); exit 0; } my $pid; my $dummyref; my %instances; ###use Data::Dumper; while (($pid,$dummyref) = each %$dummy) { $instances{scalar getpwuid($dummyref->{UID})}=1; } my $instance; # loop over every instance while (($instance,$dummy)= each %instances) { debug(9,"Instance: $instance\n"); # We have to be the instance user or root (for su) if ($UID != 0 and getpwuid($UID) ne $instance) { debug(1,"$instance -- We aren't root and we aren't the instance user"); next; } my $inst_head = $headings . "Instance: $instance%+"; # dbm cfg report_db2($instance,$inst_head."Instance Configuration", "db2 get dbm cfg","", 'db2 get dbm cfg'); # db2set report_db2($instance,$inst_head."Instance Configuration: db2set", "db2set","","db2set"); # Node directory report_db2($instance,$inst_head."Node Directory", "db2 list node directory","", "db2 list node directory"); # DB Directory my $dbdir=do_db2($instance,"db2 list db directory"); report_string($inst_head."Database Directory", "db2 list db directory","", $dbdir); # process $dbdir to get a list of all databases; my @dbs; my $dbname; foreach (split /\n/,$dbdir) { if (/Database alias\s+= (.*)/) {$dbname=$1}; if (/Directory entry type\s+= Indirect/) { push @dbs,$dbname; } } debug(9,"All DBs in $instance: @dbs\n"); my $db; # Loop for all dbs foreach $db (@dbs) { my $db_head=$inst_head."DB: $db%+"; # Is this database really existing ? # FIXME: This test maybe isn't fully correct my @dummy=ps_grep("$db"); if ($#dummy<0) { debug(1,"Maybe db $db isn't really existing."); next; } report_db2($instance,$db_head."Versions", "db2 connect to $db","", "db2 connect to $db"); # DB Configuration report_db2($instance,$db_head."DB Configuration", "db2 get database configuration for $db","", "db2 get database configuration for $db"); # Tablespaces my $tablespaces=do_db2($instance,"db2 list tablespaces show detail"); report_string($db_head."Tablespaces", "db2 list tablespaces show detail","", $tablespaces); # get all Tablespace_IDs and Names my %tablespaces; my ($ts_id,$ts_name); foreach (split /\n/,$tablespaces) { if (/Tablespace ID\s+= (\d+)/) {$ts_id=$1}; if (/Name\s+= (.*)/) { $tablespaces{$1}=$ts_id; debug(9,"Tablespace: $1 - ID: $ts_id\n"); } } # List containers for all tablespaces foreach $ts_name (sort keys %tablespaces) { $ts_id = $tablespaces{$ts_name}; debug(2,"Tablespace: $ts_name; Tablespace #: $ts_name(ID: $ts_id)\n"); report_db2($instance,$db_head."Tablespace: $ts_name%+Containers", "db2 list tablespace containers for $ts_id show detail","", "db2 list tablespace containers for $ts_id show detail"); } # Active Applications report_db2($instance,$db_head."Active Applications", "db2 list applications","", "db2 list applications"); # Users with own tables report_db2($instance,$db_head."Schemas", "db2 select tabschema from syscat.tables " . "group by tabschema","", "db2 select tabschema from syscat.tables " . "group by tabschema"); # and terminate connection do_db2 ($instance,"db2 terminate"); } } exit 0; sub report_db2 { my $instance = shift; my $title = shift; my $short_desc = shift; my $long_desc = shift; my $select = shift; report_string($title, $short_desc, $long_desc, do_db2($instance,$select) ) } sub do_db2 { my $instance = shift; my $select = shift; if ($UID == 0) { $select = "su - $instance -c \"$select\""; } return do_cmd($select) }