ServDoc_ascii - turn output of ServDoc modules in something readable
$Id: ServDoc_ascii,v 1.5 2004/01/03 20:43:25 uherbst Exp $
ServDoc_ascii [-h|help] [-v|version] [--debug ASCII,intensity]
ServDoc_ascii reads the collected output from different ServDoc modules from STDIN and tries to put that in a readable ASCII Format
Every Headline in the input becomes a ASCII-Headline, underlined with a char from @underline_char (headline level 1 takes $underline_char[0], headline level2 takes $underline_char[1] and so on).
The debug feature for that module is named ``ASCII''.
Ulrich Herbst <>
#---------------------------------------------------------------------- # standard perl modules use strict; # print error about unknown variables ... use English; # long internal variable names; use FindBin; # In which directory is ServDoc itself ? # There has to be the module and the lib dir! use lib $FindBin::Bin. "/lib"; # Here are the ServDoc-perl-modules # our own perl modules use ServDoc; use ServDocOutput; use XML::Simple::PurePerl; #---------------------------------------------------------------------- my $options; $options->{Version} = '$Id: ServDoc_ascii,v 1.5 2004/01/03 20:43:25 uherbst Exp $'; # We need the cmdline to call the modules with the same debug options. $options->{cmdline} = join " ", @ARGV; sub debug { ServDoc_debug( "ASCII", $options, shift, shift ); } $options = &process_cmdline($options); debug( 9, "ServDoc_ascii is running" ); #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main # Edit that to suite your needs. my @underline_char = ( '=', '+', '-', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.' ); my @last_headings = (''); # Inputs are on STDIN my $xmldata=join "",<STDIN>; my $xmltree=XMLin($xmldata,keyattr=>"",forcearray=>1,forcecontent=>1); for (my $i=0; $i<=$#{@{$xmltree->{SDitem}}}; $i++) { my ($short_desc,$long_desc,$text,$tableref,@headings) = get_and_normalize_SDitem_data($xmltree->{SDitem}->[$i]); $short_desc = replace_html_entities($short_desc); $long_desc = replace_html_entities($long_desc); $text = replace_html_entities($text); my $heading_equal; for ( $heading_equal = 0 ; $heading_equal <= $#headings ; $heading_equal++ ) { if ( $last_headings[$heading_equal] ne $headings[$heading_equal] ) { last; } } # in $heading_equal is the number of the first unequal heading # between the new "@headings" and the headings from the last line; $#last_headings = $heading_equal; for ( my $x = $heading_equal ; $x < $#headings ; $x++ ) { print "$headings[$x]\n"; print $underline_char[$x] x length( $headings[$x] ) . "\n\n"; $last_headings[$x] = $headings[$x]; } print "$headings[-1]\n"; print $underline_char[$#headings] x length( $headings[-1] ) . "\n\n"; print "$short_desc\n$long_desc\n"; print "-" x 5 . "\n"; # Are there tables to output ? if (ref($tableref) eq "ARRAY") { make_table($tableref->[0]); } print "$text\n\n"; } # make a ASCII-Table: sub make_table { my $ref = shift; # First, we put the whole table in a 2d array. # Then we output that array (and we look for the longest string in a # array cell. # $array[$row][$column] my @array; my $row; my $column; for ($row=0; $row<=$#{@{$ref->{'tr'}}};$row++) { for ($column=0; $column <=$#{@{$ref->{'tr'}->[$row]->{th}}}; $column++) { $array[$row][$column] = replace_html_entities($ref->{'tr'}->[$row]->{th}->[$column]->{content}); }; for ($column=0; $column <=$#{@{$ref->{'tr'}->[$row]->{td}}}; $column++) { $array[$row][$column] = replace_html_entities($ref->{'tr'}->[$row]->{td}->[$column]->{content}); }; }; # rows # What is the max length for every column ? my @maxlength; for ($column=0; $column<=$#{@array[0]}; $column++) { my $max=length($array[0][$column]); for ($row=1; $row<=$#array; $row++) { if (length($array[$row][$column]) > $max) { $max=length($array[$row][$column]);} } push @maxlength,$max+1; } # Output @array for ($row=0; $row <= $#array; $row++) { for ($column=0; $column <=$#{@array[0]};$column++) { printf "%-$maxlength[$column]s",$array[$row][$column] . " "; } print "\n";} } sub replace_html_entities { my $text = shift; # Replace HTML Entities with Special chars. $text =~ s/ä/ä/g; $text =~ s/Ä/Ä/g; $text =~ s/ö/ö/g; $text =~ s/Ö/Ö/g; $text =~ s/ü/ü/g; $text =~ s/Ü/Ü/g; $text =~ s/ß/ß/g; return $text; }