
Code Index:


ServDoc_html - turn output of ServDoc modules in a readable html-page


$Id: ServDoc_html,v 1.17 2004/02/17 09:51:09 uherbst Exp $


ServDoc_html [-h|help] [-v|version] [--debug HTML,intensity]


ServDoc_html reads the collected output from different ServDoc modules from STDIN and tries to put that in a readable HTML Format with table of contents.

Every Headline in the input becomes a HTML-Headline.

Before and after the HTML-text, two file named ``header.html'' and ``footer.html'' (in the html-subdirectory) will be included.

``%h'' in the header file will be substituted with the hostname (eg. in the HTML-title).


This help.


--debug HTML,intensity
Turn on Debugging for that module.

The debug feature for that module is named ``HTML''.


Ulrich Herbst <>



# standard perl modules
use strict;                       # print error about unknown variables ...
use English;                      # long internal variable names;
use FindBin;                      # In which directory is ServDoc itself ?
                                  # There has to be the module and the lib dir!
use lib $FindBin::Bin. "/lib";    # Here are the ServDoc-perl-modules
use Sys::Hostname;

# our own perl modules
use ServDoc;
use ServDocOutput;
use XML::Simple::PurePerl;


my $options;
$options->{Version} =
  '$Name:  $';
# $Name r0-7b $    -> r0-7b
$options->{Version} =~ s/\$//g;
$options->{Version} =~ s/Name: r(.*) .*/$1/;
#0-7b -> 0.7b
$options->{Version} =~ s/-/./g;

# If we haven't a $Name:  $-Tag (because we haven't a CVS-Release): put
# "nightly" as version
$options->{Version} =~ s/^Name.*/nightly/;

%{$options->{lang}->{en}} = 
   toc  => "Table of Contents",

%{$options->{lang}->{de}} = 
   toc  => "Inhaltsverzeichnis",

# We need the cmdline to call the modules with the same debug options.
$options->{cmdline} = join " ", @ARGV;

sub debug { ServDoc_debug( "HTML", $options, shift, shift ); }

$options = &process_cmdline($options);
debug( 9, "ServDoc_html is running" );


# Main

# include header
my $headerfile="$FindBin::Bin/html/header.html";
my $headerfile_lang = "$FindBin::Bin/html/header." 
  . $options->{output_i18n} . ".html";

if (-e $headerfile_lang) {

my $footerfile="$FindBin::Bin/html/footer.html";
my $footerfile_lang = "$FindBin::Bin/html/footer." 
  . $options->{output_i18n} . ".html";

if (-e $footerfile_lang) {

open( FILE, "< $headerfile" )
  or die "can't open $headerfile: $!\n";
my $HOSTNAME = hostname();
# %h -> hostname
# %r -> CVS-Release
while (<FILE>) {

my $html_output   = '';
my $html_content  = "<h1>" . i18n_mesg('toc') . "</h1>\n<ul>\n";
my @last_headings = ('');

my $heading_count=0;
# Inputs are on STDIN
my $xmldata=join "",<STDIN>;
my $xmltree=XMLin($xmldata,keyattr=>"",forcearray=>1,forcecontent=>1);

for (my $i=0; $i<=$#{@{$xmltree->{SDitem}}}; $i++) {

  my $html_new_content = '';

  my ($short_desc,$long_desc,$text,$tableref,@headings)
    = get_and_normalize_SDitem_data($xmltree->{SDitem}->[$i]);

  # Put & -> &amp; ... in $text
  $text = html_encode($text);

  debug( 8, "---------------------------" );
  my $heading_equal;
  for ( $heading_equal = 0 ; $heading_equal <= $#headings ; $heading_equal++ )
    if ( $last_headings[$heading_equal] ne $headings[$heading_equal] ) {
  debug( 8, "Actual Headings : " . join " .. ", @headings );
  debug( 8, "Last Headings   : " . join " .. ", @last_headings );
  debug( 8, "Heading and previous are unequal from $heading_equal" );

  # in $heading_equal is the number of the first unequal heading
  # between the new "@headings" and the headings from the last line;

  # Close all unused <ul>-Tags
  $html_new_content .= "</ul>\n" x ( $#last_headings - $heading_equal );
  debug( 8, ( $#last_headings - $heading_equal ) . "<ul>'s closed" );

  # Write new headings
  for ( my $x = $heading_equal ; $x < $#headings ; $x++ ) {
    my $hnr = ( $x > 5 ? 6 : $x + 1 );
    $html_output .=
      "<h$hnr><a name=\"$headings[$x]_$heading_count\">" .
    $html_new_content .=
      "<li><a href=\"#$headings[$x]_$heading_count\">$headings[$x]</a>\n" .
    debug( 8, "<ul> opened ($headings[$x])" );

  my $hnr .= ( $#headings > 5 ? 6 : $#headings + 1 );
  $html_output .=
    "<h$hnr><a name=\"$headings[-1]_$heading_count\">" .
  $html_output .= "$short_desc\n<p>$long_desc\n<p>";

  # Are there tables to output ?
  if (ref($tableref) eq "ARRAY") {
    $html_output .= make_table($tableref->[0])."\n<hr>\n";

  $html_output .= "<pre>$text</pre>\n<hr>\n" if ($text);

  $html_new_content .= "<li><a href=\"#$headings[-1]_$heading_count\">$headings[-1]</a>\n";

  debug( 8, "New TOC entry: $html_new_content" );
  $html_content .= $html_new_content;
} # while (<>)

for ( my $x = 0 ; $x <= $#last_headings ; $x++ ) {
  $html_content .= "</ul>\n";

print $html_content;
print "\n<hr>\n";
print $html_output;
open( FILE, "< $footerfile" ) 
  or die "can't open $footerfile: $!\n";

while (<FILE>) {

# Make HTML-Chars:
# "<", ">"
sub html_encode {
  my $text = shift;

  # It is important to translate & BEFORE the others (or the
  # translation will go wrong)
  $text =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
  $text =~ s/</&lt;/g;
  $text =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
  $text =~ s/"/&quot;/g;

  return $text;

# make a HTML-Table:
sub make_table {
  my $ref=shift;
  my $output = readfile("$FindBin::Bin/html/table_header.html");

  my $tr;
  for ($tr=0; $tr<=$#{@{$ref->{'tr'}}};$tr++) {
    $output .="  <tr>";

    my $td;
    for ($td=0; $td <=$#{@{$ref->{'tr'}->[$tr]->{th}}}; $td++) {
      $output .="<th>" .
        $ref->{'tr'}->[$tr]->{th}->[$td]->{content} . 
    for ($td=0; $td <=$#{@{$ref->{'tr'}->[$tr]->{td}}}; $td++) {
      $output .="<td>" .
        $ref->{'tr'}->[$tr]->{td}->[$td]->{content} . 
    $output .="</tr>\n";
  }; # rows
  $output .= readfile("$FindBin::Bin/html/table_footer.html");
  return $output;