This new features will be available in future releases from ServDoc:
- Before ServDoc 1.0 release:
- All output modules can work with HTML Entities in textstrings
(eg for german umlauts)
- Translation Guide
- Change the module output from "!"-separated to XML
- A nearly complete userguide
- Mark some things (commands, commandoutput, filenames, file
content) in the XML output and do something with it in special
output modules (own LaTeX "designs", own CSS-classes for
- Collect demo output from many servers (eg the SF compile farm)
- After ServDoc 1.0
- docbook output module
- short, but meaningfull abstract for some modules (eg apache:
list all virtual hosts, Document Root and ports in a
- HTML output with CSS
- write a "ServDoc diff" utility to compare 2 servers or 2 outputs
from the same server
- write a output=null module
- NFS server module
- NIS (server and client) module
- Linux iptables module
- Much more information in the long description
- Possibility to change some Variables not in the code but
on the commandline (eg: sendmail: delcomment)
- Output modules with/without long description
If you have some feature wishes, write me an email